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Langerie, Lingre, Lingerine – How YOU Might be Doing it all Wrong



Langerie, Lingre, Lingerine – How YOU Might be Doing it all Wrong

I say Langerie because over the years I’ve met many girls and for some reason it always seems to come up. Lingerie habits. I’ve heard the good, the bad and the down right dirty. Keep your pretties safe girls, they are to be treasured not tortured. There are so many things I’ve heard and seen but here are a few of the essentials you should know to make sure you’re getting it right. Flaunting Lingerie, not langerie.

Size matters…Obviously

There is absolutely no point going into any store, whether it’s lingerie OR clothing, as a size 12 and buying an 8. (It is true that most stores do not have accurate sizes, I get that. My point is do not buy something that is clearly too small. It is not attractive, you look like a sausage with elastic bands around you. That or I can clearly see your hoo ha!) I used to work in an adorable boutique called Alannah Hill and it would frustrate me so very much when a women with bombshell curves who’s clearly a size 10/12 would come in asking for a size 6….AND THEN SQUEEZE IN AND PURCHASE IT! I know what you’re thinking, a little bit of pain for a stunning gown right? Wrong! Don’t worry I’m not exactly laid back when it comes to dressing myself, but things should at the least fit. To make what looks good, look good and to hide the bits that you don’t want to show as much. This is the exact same for lingerie. A BRA SHOULD NOT HURT! If

By |February 11th, 2015|gifts, Health and Beauty, Lingerie|Comments Off on Langerie, Lingre, Lingerine – How YOU Might be Doing it all Wrong

How to Tell if You Are Wearing a Too Tight Bra



How to Tell if You Are Wearing a Too Tight Bra

Too tight bra

I have an honest question to start out with (and don’t feel bad if you’re guilty 😛 we’ve all been there) Do you feel a little bit like someone has pulled a piece of elastic really tightly across your under-bust so you feel a little bit like a sausage tied up with elastic bands in the mirror?

It’s simple. You’re wearing a tight bra and it’s too tight.

I know what you’re thinking though, you’ve looked everywhere for the right info as to how exactly to fix this and how to get a bra that fits properly. You’ve read the blogs, you’ve used the 37834 different calculators, yet still you’re getting the same issues. Firstly I have to say that bra calculators, stop using them. Not one single magical bra calculator is going to work for us all. (Feel free to prove me wrong, I’ve just never come across one, and I quite literally spend 12 hours a day reading blogs, forums etc.) We’ll first start with how to diagnose the problem. Then we’ll move on to how to fix it.
How to tell if your bra is too tight:

If your bra doesn’t fit, there are a few immediate problem areas which you can see pretty quickly.

Check the back band:

If the hook and eyes (being the back closure part of the bra) are straining to hold together and looking a little bit like the hero saving the damsel who’s hanging from a 100 story building, your bra, it’s probably too small. If this is the case, you will most likely feel the bra cutting into your ribcage

By |February 11th, 2015|Health and Beauty, Lingerie|Comments Off on How to Tell if You Are Wearing a Too Tight Bra

What men think about your lingerie and tips for choosing sexy styles men love.




By |December 9th, 2013|Lingerie|Comments Off on What men think about your lingerie and tips for choosing sexy styles men love.